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Margherita Maiuri

Margherita is Associate Professor at the Physics Department of Politecnico di Milano, and currently visiting professor at Princeton University. She received her PhD in Physics in 2014 at Politecnico di Milano, specializing in the field of ultrafast optics and spectroscopy applied to biomolecules. Later she was granted a Marie Curie Global Fellowship (2015) and worked at Princeton University on ultrafast multidimensional electronic spectroscopy. Her main research interests include the understanding of femtosecond dynamics of light-induced mechanisms in biological/bio-mimetic systems and optical nanostructures. 
Her group currently focuses on the study of complex systems for light-energy conversion in molecular systems, ultrafast metasurfaces and strong light-matter interactions.
She has published >100 peer-reviewed articles, including publications in Science, Nature Photonics, Nature Chemistry, Nature Materials and she has been invited to showcase her research to >30 international and national conferences. She is an ERC-starting grantee (ULYSSES). Furthermore she received funds from several national (PRIN 2020, PRIN 2022,PRIN 2022 PNRR, Regione Lombardia) and international (Marie Curie Training Networks and EIC-Pathfinder) agencies.
Margherita's scientific achievements have been recognized by several awards. She received the European Optical Society Prize Early Career Women in Photonics (2023), the Fresnel Prize by the European Physical Society (2021) for her “outstanding achievements in ultrafast optical spectroscopy, unveiling primary light-induced processes in bio-molecules and nanostructures with sub-10-fs”, the "L’Oréal for Women in Science Fellowship" (2018) and the ENI award - Debut in Research (2015).

Research projects
