Ultrashort light pulse generation and applications to the study of ultrafast phenomena in the matter
The research activity concerns the development of new laser sources for the generation of ultrashort pulses (in the femtosecond domain) and their application to the study of dynamic processes in materials.
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ARCO Laboratory
Attosecond laboratory for advanced materials
Laboratory for IR-VIS ultrafast spectroscopy
Laboratory for XUV ultrafast spectroscopy
Femtosecond laser laboratory
High-energy attosecond pulse laboratory
Ultrafast Molecular Imaging
Mid-IR Laser Laboratory for Strong-Field Physics
Nonlinear Optical Microscopy Lab
Solid state lasers and photonic devices
Development of solid state lasers and integrated photonic devices for application to environmental monitoring, telecommunications and coherent control of light
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Advanced Quantum Applications
Composite inegrAted Photonic plAtform By ultrafast LasEr micromachining
ChemicAl Processes for Photonic and microfluidic Applications
Computational ElectroMagnetics Lab
Coherent Raman metrology of molecular hydrogen
COmb-aSsisted MOlecular Specroscopy
Development and Inscription by Additive Manufacturing of Nano Devices
FEmtosecond Laser Inscribed waveguides CharactErization
Fabrication by Infrared laser Radiation Exposure
Inspection and Connectorization Equipment
Light Integrated with Fluidic Experiments
Mid-IR lAser for optiCaL spEctroscopy and metrology
OPTIcal Coherent Raman Spectroscopy
SEM And Nanometric Film Deposition
System for Nanopositioning of Optical Waveguides
SOlid-state LAseRs
Photonics for health, food and cultural heritage
Development of new methods and innovative techniques based on photonics and mainly aimed at non-invasive diagnostic applications in several areas, including biomedical, agri-food and cultural heritage.
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3D Print lab
Imaging Spectroscopy for Cultural Heritage
Diffuse Raman Spectroscopy
Diffuse Optics for Clinics
Diffuse Optical Spectroscopy
Fast Fluorescence Molecular Tomography
Fluorescence Spectroscopy
functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy
Gated Photon Counting
Optical Microscopy and Tomography
Diffuse Optical Phantoms
Photonics for Food
Epitaxial growth and nanostructure fabrication
Focused on the growth of nanostructured artificial materials and fabrication and characterization of semiconductor thin films for microelectronic and optoelectronic applications
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Electron Beam Lithography
Laboratorio di misure ottiche ed elettroniche
Nano-magnetic and electronics characterization laboratory
SEM laboratory
Semiconductor growth
Solid Liquid Interface Nano-microscopy and Spectroscopy
Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
Versatile Electron Spectroscopy Instrumentation
Electronic, optical and magnetic properties of low-dimensional systems
Study of foundamental electronic and magnetic properties of solids with electron spectroscopy and to the development of new experimental methods in that field.
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Laboratory for circular dichroism
Synchrotron radiation facilities
Nano-Optics Lab
Laboratorio di misure e caratterizzazioni magnetiche
Experimental teaching laboratory
Ultrafast Photoemission and Optical Spectroscopy
Ultrafast Scanning Electron Microscopy
Variable energy positron annihilation spectroscopy