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Guglielmo Lanzani

Present position
since 12/2009 Center for Nano Science Technology @ POLIMI Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia
Via Pascoli 70/3, 20133 Milano Italy
since 11/2011 Department of Physics, Politecnico di Milano
Full Professor of Physics
P.za Leonardo da Vinci 32, 20133 Milano Italy

Previous appointments
1999-2011 Associate Professor in physics at Politecnico di Milano.
1994-1999 Assistant Professor at University of Sassari.
1992-94 Post Doc at ISM-C.N.R., Bologna
1992 PHD in Chemical Physics.
1989-90 visiting scientist at University of Utah, SLC-UT, USA.
1987 Physics degree (laurea).

GL research activity, reported in more than 300 publications, regards the science and technology of nanostructured and molecular materials. The main area of experimental work is photo-physics, for application in energy, bio-photonics, neuroscience and medicine. In particular, the overarching goal of the research is to induce light sensitivity in living cells, tissue or organism for photo controlling their functions by developing new light actuators. Application is in life science, medicine and neuroscience. He is involved in the project for developing an artificial retina prosthesis. He is involved in two start-up companies.

Research projects

Research groups
